
Entries by o4uchile

Happy Birthday!!!

Today two of our engineers, Rafael and Gastón, are celebrating their birthdays and as usual, we celebrate them in the office with the whole team. Have a super week!

Adobe trainning

Our engineers Franco Molina and Rafael Buzeta are conducting an AutoCAD course at Microgeo to continue growing professionally in the management of this software in the construction, storage, modification, edition and printing of plans. The program has 30 hours …

Excelente jornada de o4uchile en Cena Anual de ERNC

Organized by the Chilean Association of Renewable Energies, the 5th version of the Sidewalk Dinner brought together more than 700 people at Casa Piedra, where the most relevant energy actors were present. 
o4uchile participates for the first time as a …